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Equipment List
Audio Obscura required the following hardware and software;
Mac Mini (Apple)
MacBook Pro (Apple) (x2)
Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 audio interface (x2)
Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 audio interface
Logitech C270 HD webcam
Aston Origin condenser microphone
Jez Riley contact microphone
Optoma HD600X home cinema projector
KRK Rokit 6 studio monitors (L + R)
Fender Super Champ X2 tube guitar amplifier
USB cables (x2)
XLR cables (x4)
Quarter-inch jack cables (x6)
HDMI cable
Wooden pallet
Sheet music stand
Zoom G1Xon guitar multi-effects pedal
Projector screen
Max 7
Logic Pro X

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