Hardware Set-Up
Floor Plan

Signal Flow

System 1 – Mac Mini
System 1 was a Mac Mini computer which was set up with Max 7 with the Vox Effects and Main Audio Visual patches running. These dealt with the visual element of the project and one of the audio elements.
For the visuals, a Logitech C270 HD webcam was secured to a sheet music stand situated in front of the visitor. This video feed would come into the Mac Mini via a USB cable, and once affected in the Main Audio Visual patch, would then be sent via an HDMI cable to the Optoma HD600X home cinema projector.
For the input of the audio element, sound, made by the visitor, would come into Aston Origin condenser microphone, and the signal would then be sent via XLR cable to the first Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 audio interface. This signal would then travel, via a USB cable to the Mac Mini for use by the Vox Effects and Main Audio Visual patches. For the output of the Vox Effects patch, the signal would come back out of the Mac Mini via USB cable and into the first Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 audio interface, and then to the KRK Rokit 6 studio monitors, via quarter-inch jack cables.

System 2 – MacBook Pro 1
System 2 was the first MacBook Pro, which ran the Max 7 patch called Footsteps and involved the triggering of footstep audio clips.
To trigger the footstep audio, visitors would walk on a platform. The Jez Riley contact microphone was secured to the bottom of this platform and it would pick up the vibrations produced by visitors’ footsteps. This signal would be sent, via a quarter-inch jack cable, to the Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 audio interface, to be converted into audio using the analogue to digital converter. Next, the signal would pass from the Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 audio interface, via a USB cable, to the first MacBook Pro running Max 7 and the patch called Footsteps. The output signal would then come back out of the first MacBook Pro and into the Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 audio interface via a USB cable. This signal then passed into the second Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 audio interface via a quarter-inch jack cable.

System 3 – MacBook Pro 2
System 3 was the second MacBook Pro, which ran the Logic Pro X session called Footsteps Output & Soundscape, providing processing for the footsteps audio and introduced an auditory backdrop.
The signal for the footsteps audio from system 2 ran, by means of a USB cable, from the second Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 audio interface to the second MacBook Pro. This system ran the Logic Pro X session for further processing of the footstep audio, and also played a Shepard’s tone behind this as the auditory backdrop. The output from this session would then travel back through the previously mentioned USB cable, from the second MacBook Pro and into the second Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 audio interface. Using a quarter-inch jack cable these signals would then pass into the Zoom G1Xon guitar multi-effects pedal to be processed further. Next, the resultant signal would run through a quarter-inch jack cable and into the Fender Super Champ X2 tube guitar amplifier, which would be used to reproduce the sound.

The platform for visitors to stand on was made by sticking together two wooden pallets and nailing a wooden support beam to the underside of the platform, to strengthen the platform. A support structure then had to be added to hold the Jez Riley contact microphone in place. This was achieved by nailing two coat hooks in the middle of the platform to ensure the microphone wouldn’t touch the ground, to reduce the likelihood of any vibrations from around the platform triggering the audio. The platform was then wrapped with a black bed sheet for aesthetic purposes. This sheet was secured around the pallet with staples to reduce the chances of the sheet slipping, which could have created a trip hazard.